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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Strike When the Iron Is Hot!

One of the things I love about summer is all of nature's colorful vegetables. I miss having my own garden, so I am always happy to oblige friends who want to avail me with their leftover bounty. When I did have my garden, I canned or froze what we couldn't eat. I guess I wasn't as generous. It all gets ripe at one time, so if you are going to have a garden you need a plan. So when I received this unexpected windfall, I immediately thought--stir fry!

So I pulled out the food processor my son bought me and got to gettin!

When it was all said and done, I froze two quart-sized bags of peppers and squash and still had my stir fry with leftovers to share. 

Lest you think I have been lazy around the house just because I haven't posted, I have been trying to complete some projects. I finally found the time this Saturday to cut the fabric for the second lampshade I needed to recover. Funny thing is, I guess I didn't measure twice and cut once. The fabric was way too short and there was no remedy. So what did I do, you ask? What any self-respecting non-crafter does, I bought two new lampshades. And I must say, I couldn't have done it better myself. Purdy, no?

So remember people, strike when the iron is hot, but measure twice and cut once!


  1. Gorgeous..goes PERFECT with the chandelier. Dinner looked amazin..wish I coulda been there to eat haha!

  2. looks good! Yummm....I wish my pepper plant was that productive!!!!
