Thanks to Karen at Strictly Simple Style, I have hope for my inherited traditional dining set. Now I just have to work on the vision. She suggested finding some chairs I wouldn't feel guilty about painting (my mother would kill me if I painted her set) . I love bright colors but I have to match the blue in my dining room to the blue in my living room (maybe, I guess! LOL!) I thought I just finished my living room, but I am feeling this turquoise soooo much! I can see that I will be on a quest for chairs soon! I am in love with Tommy Bahama right now. Both the wallpaper and chair fabrics I am considering are his. Question is, can the walls be a light blue without clashing with the turquoise and, if so, what shade of blue?
I think painting my sideboard a bright turquoise would be pretty too. Is a light blue on the walls just too much blue? And what to do with the china cupboard? Okay, simmer down, one thing at a time girl.

Hi Lori, Thank you for your sweet comment on my guest post today at Strictly Simple Style!
ReplyDeleteI hear you about is such a fabuous color isn't it? I need more of it in my house :)
The wallpaper is so fabulous I'm thinking that choosing another accent color for your sideboard so that it doesn't simply blend in, but is also a special feature in the space.