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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Midweek Inspiration

While I am still hunting for the perfect writing desk and artwork for my room, I stumbled across some inspiration photos I saved that used the a) bright color and b) black and white scheme. Pretty, huh?

The furnishings are too modern for my taste but I still love the design, especially the ceiling and the wallpaper. They totally make the room. 

In this photo, I like how the designer took a small space and small budget and really made it look put together. Notice the side table is actually plastic storage bins:

I especially like the wall art in this photo. Not too fond of the carpet color, way too 70s for me, but I love the texture of the shag. 

Although I did my bedroom in the bright spring green, I like how this black and white with bright blue looks.  It also has that gorgeous use of red I will be using in my own room. Love, love, love it:

I got my inspiration for my Spring Green paint color from HGTVs Sara's House. Tommy chose these vases and turned them into lamps. What a clever boy!  The white chair is just so gorgeous. I haven't done anything like this candle holder and frame but I do like it!

I am planning to recover my dining chairs in the next month or so and have been browsing fabrics. My dining set is an inherited one and very traditional.  My taste runs to eclectic rustic with some glam thrown in for a surprise, so trying to fit this set into my home is a challenge.  I'd really love to paint it a distressed white but my mother would have a cow!  Right now, the whole dining space is traditional and, sigh, bores me. Here's some current pictures that I hope to be one day "before" pictures:

Please, please, please, send me some suggestions!  The only piece I really love is the blue sideboard I picked up at a used furniture store a few years ago for $30.  I do kinda like the lamps but would throw them out of the mix if I can find the right direction to go in. I was browsing fabrics and came across this Tommy Bahama fabric that I kind of like but not love. Because the finish of the dining set is dark cherry I am thinking light fabric. I am also drawn to really light blues but haven't found one I like yet. What do you think?

Leave some suggestions or pics of traditional dining sets made over. I need some inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Would you consider storing the four side chairs and replacing them with new, inexpensive ones from a thrift store that you wouldn't feel guilty about painting then recovering in a new fabric? You could slipcover the arm chairs for that rustic look you like. This way if the painted furniture trend goes away you still have your set intact.

    If you don't have the space to store your chairs, you might be surprised by the difference that fabric alone can make. I'm working on a dining room project currently with a couple who didn't want to paint their oak dining set because it was a family heirloom. We recovered the chair seats in a fun black and white fabric and it made a HUGE improvement to the look of the space.

    Good luck!
